Here is a list of shit I hate, in no particular order. This will be frequently updated.

- People with fast cars, we get it you have nothing else in your life besides your fucking car but shut the fuck up. You’re annoying as fuck! You don’t need to rev your engine every two fucking seconds.
- Motorcyclist on my campus, yes you think you’re the best thing since sliced bread. You don’t need to drive past us rev loudly repeatedly and pop a wheelie. Want to know a secret? We all slightly hope you fall off because we find you so fucking annoying.
- Backstabbers! Don’t go to the school office and say that your worried about me and that I’m rejecting friendship and help! I never once did either of those things and you know it! You snooty bitch! You never even offered me any ounce of friendship.
- People who are cruel to children and animals, you prey on some of the weakest lifeforms. Why don’t you take on someone of your own size for once in your pathetic life?
- Slow walkers hurry the fuck up stop blocking every single path.
- People who speed we get it you think you’re some big shot who needs to go 120mph in a 40, fuck off your not that damn important! Slow the fuck down.
- Fucking creeps, I just want to go to McDonalds in a skirt in peace and not have some disgusting pig look at me like a sack of meat and make me so uncomfortable I have to sneak out another exit.
- People who YELL instead of talk, shut the fuck up! You don’t need to be so loud. It’s annoying and it hurts my ears.
- People who deny science climate change is real, vaccines work, and evolution is real you dumb fuck.
- Fucking hicks and rednecks. You’re not cool for having 10 guns, wearing camo, and killing animals you’re a sick fuck and I hate you.
- Racists fuck off with your “I’m better because I’m *insert race here* those *insert other race* are all *insert dumb fucking statement*. You’re a fucking backwards prick.
- Homophobes/Transphobes/Terfs shut the fuck up none of this is hurting you. Learn to use google you dumb fuck. This stuff has always existed there now just new words to use. I see no reason to be upset that new terms are being used to help people find something that they identify with.
- People who use slurs! Fuck off! You’re not funny you look like some 12 year old edge lord.
- People who are happy all the time. What the fuck are you so happy about? Life isn’t that great face reality buddy.
- Birds! They never shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear your yelling for hours on end. Shut the fuck up!
- Myself